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Customized Insoles For Plantar Fasciitis

What is Plantar Fasciitis?

If you are experiencing a sharp heel pain with your first steps each morning, or while walking throughout the day, you might be suffering from a condition called Plantar Fasciitis (also known as Plantar Fasciosis).

The plantar fascia ligament is made of flexible, fibrous tissue. This tissue stretches from the heel bone to the ball of the foot thus forming an elastic arch to absorb the impact of walking, standing, running and jumping on your feet.

A healthy foot can bear the brunt of the estimated 5,000-10,000 steps the average adult takes each day. However, in the case of injury, overuse, or strain, the plantar fascia ligament may encounter damage.

In case of such a damage, the body sends additional calcium to the injured arch which, over time, can cause pointed bone spurs to form on the heel.

These pointed bony formation digs into the fatty pad of the heel with each step you take, resulting in a sharp pain.

What are the symptoms?

Plantar Fasciitis affects the soft tissues in the foot and hence it difficult to trace it with an X-ray. In most cases, this condition is diagnosed based on its symptoms. To rule out the possibility of a stress fracture in case your symptoms came on very suddenly, your doctor may recommend X-rays.

the symptoms below may help you identify if you’re suffering from Plantar Fasciitis:

  • Pain in the bottom of the heel when you walk. Thi pain is the worst in the morning, or after a long period of rest
  • A stabbing pain in the sole of your foot, more localized in the heel area.
  • A gradually building heel pain that may become apparent suddenly
  • Pain that may come and go often in the day.
  • Pain in the bottom of the heel that coincides with obesity or rapid weight gain
  • Pain on bottom of foot near heel that has lasted for more than a few days, or which you experience periodically over the course of months or years.
  • Pain in either of the feet (in both, in case you have Plantar Fasciitis in both feet).
  • Swelling, redness, or burning sensation in the heel area.
  • Limping and difficulty standing on the affected foot.

Whether you are experiencing heel pain for the first time, or as a chronic struggle, it’s important to seek treatment as quickly as possible.

Most of the cases can be solved by home remedies and conservative treatments. An early intervention helps in a speedy recovery.

what causes plantar fasciitis?

  • Pronation- Pronation is a gait abnormality that causes the foot to roll outward excessively. This condition prevents the arch from distributing weight evenly from the heel to ball of the foot.

    Supination is a condition similar to pronation; the only difference is that in supination, the foot rolls inward excessively. Either of these two conditions can lead to Plantar Fasciitis.

  • Excess use of the feet- Your feet need the rest between exercise sessions or long periods of standing. If not taken care of, can flatten and strain the arch over time.

  • Feet Arches- Due to various reasons the arches can be too high or too flat. Since they are less optimized to bear the weight of impact and standing, these kinds of arches are at greater risk for Plantar Fasciitis.

  • Weak Surrounding Tissue- Weak calf muscles, reduced ankle mobility, or tightness in the Achilles tendon at the back of the heel can damage the arches. These conditions can eventually cause Plantar Fasciitis.

  • Weight Gain- Rapid weight gain, including weight gain from pregnancy, results in extra pressure on the arch of the foot, resulting in damage and tearing.

  • Age- The normal aging process biologically results in deterioration of the elasticity of the soft-tissue and thus leading to a rigid and more injury prone plantar fascia.

  • Footwear- Shoes that don’t fit right, or don’t provide proper cushioning and arch support, make your feet prone to plantar fasciitis.

  • Injury - An injury that has damaged the arch or surrounding tissue of the foot or heel can cause Plantar Fasciitis.

    In some cases, one of the injured foot can lead to Plantar Fasciitis in the other foot. This is because the healthy foot has to absorb the extra strain and impact while the injured foot heals.

Easy plantar fasciitis relief

  • Calf Stretching in Bed
  • Plantar Fascia stretch
  • Standing calf stretch
  • Tennis ball massage
  • 3D Custom Insole 

Of all the plantar fasciitis treatment products, the fastest and most efficient solution would be 3D Custom Insoles for one simple reason that every person is different; every foot is different- from left to right, person to person.

Every pair of these insoles for heel pain is tailored for an individual. The custom foot capture process looks at both the feet separately so that one can get the right fit for their unique feet.

How orthotics 3D custom insoles help with plantar fasciitis?

A normal healthy foot has a support arch in the mid-foot area.

Due to various reasons, this arc flattens. This flattened arch results in heel spur (and the pain thereof). A 3D custom insole helps restore this arch due to its design.

Rigid custom inserts (orthotics) realign the foot and provides long-term arch support.

What is orthotics 3D custom technology and how it is designed?

Orthotic 3D custom insole uses 3D printing technology.

First of all, a complete biomechanical analysis is conducted using the latest foot scanning technology to capture the highest quality scan possible.

With the use of most advanced 3D printers, the customized orthotics for heel pain is constructed based on the degree of altered biomechanics.

Accordingly, a custom Insole model is made to correct the Biomechanics of feet.

Different orthotics for the disorder

  • Customised Orthotics-

    The are the rigid orthotics that are used in advanced cases. Problems like supination and pronation can be treated with customized orthotics.

    After a thorough examination, the podiatrist will look at how the feet are misshapen, and create inserts to force them back into the correct position.

    These are the best treatment for plantar fasciitis and other wide range of foot issues.

  • Heat Moulding Orthotics-

    Heat moulding orthotics can be used in less advanced cases. They operate in largely the same way as customized orthotics.

    Heat moulding orthotics are usually made of Ethylene Vinyl Acetate. This Ethylene Vinyl Acetate is a specialized plastic that feels like soft rubber but provides incredible support.

    The inserts are heated, which softens the material. They then mold to the shape of the feet and cool down, in such a way that the problems will be corrected.

  • Insoles-

    Lastly, there is also the option of getting insoles. Insoles are the cheapest of all three options, but for good reason.

    These are mass produced cheaply to suit as many people as possible, so they are not an effective method of dealing with individual problems.

    While insoles can have benefits, they should not be confused with orthotics.

How is insole designed for the individual foot?

Orthotics 3D Custom Insoles support all 3 arches of the foot, which make up the plantar vault.

They’re custom-made by hand, based on your unique feet, body, and health profile. Just as no two bodies are alike, no two pairs of custom orthotics are alike.

Over-the-counter orthotics may initially cost less, but they only support one arch in your foot.

When only one arch is being supported, it may not maintain the structure of your plantar vault, and problems can start in other parts of your body. In fact, “over-supporting” just one arch of the foot may actually cause pain and symptoms, not relieve them.


  • Augmented Foot Support- Your feet each have 26 bones and over 100 muscles. This set of bones and muscles bear the entire weight of your entire body. Hence a good quality support, such as of custom orthotics, is so important. The full-contact, orthotics 3D custom insole supports all three anatomical arches of the feet to give you a solid foundation.

  • Quality Comfort- In addition to being supportive, custom orthotics is much more comfortable than over-the-counter insoles. This is largely because custom orthotics are crafted to assist your unique fee requirement.

  • Reduced Pain- Shoe inserts sold at retail stores add additional cushioning and support to ordinary shoes, but they’re not made to address your specific foot issues. On the other hand, clinical studies show that prescription orthotics decrease foot pain and improve function.

  • Enhanced Athletic Performance- When your body is well-aligned, you’re able to perform better while playing sports. Not only does the custom orthotics lower your risk of injury, but research also shows that they help you jump higher and enjoy a better sense of balance and body position.

Customized Insoles (Shapecrunch) 3D Printed Custom Orthotics

  • 6 months warranty 
  • Lasts for two years

  • Anti - Microbial
  • Shock absorbing and Flexible
  • Custom made  
  • For Sports and Business Shoes

Revolutionary custom orthotics 3D printed orthotic insoles to fit your feet perfectly to relieve foot and joint pain and prevent future biomechanical issues. Enjoy excellent arch support, cushioning, and breathability from your custom made shoe inserts.

Feel like you are walking on air with Shapecrunch Orthotics' innovative custom 3D printed orthotic insoles - they're fully customized to suit your individual foot pronation and biomechanic needs and very comfortable to wear.

Everyone's feet are unique, so custom orthotics is the best way to treat your own individual foot problems and prevent them from recurring.

Say goodbye to foot pain and hello to comfort with these custom flat feet insoles today.

Price: SGD 230

By appointment only - contact us for enquiries and appointments